Axel Honneth til Oslo

AKTUELT: Den kjente filosofen Axel Honneth kommer til Oslo for å holde årets Oslo Lecture.
Les også Jonas Jakobsens tekst om Axel Honneths sosialfilosofi her på Salongen.
Axel Honneth leder det legendariske Institut für Sozialforschung, Frankfurterskolens arnested. Temaet for forelesningen i Oslo er «The Fabric of Justice – Limits of Proceduralism» og beskrives slik på Etikkprogrammets nettsider:
The article tries, in a first step, to show that the intrinsic fabric of justice doesn`t consist of distributable goods, but of commonly accepted social relations which are composed of morally loaded practices; in these practices those regards can be found which define what it means to treat another person in a fair or just manner. If this starting point is convincing, then some methodological consequences concerning the concept of justice have to be drawn which are presented in the second step: Instead of constructing a normative procedure which allows us to deduce the content of justice, we have to start by reconstructing the social practices which inform us about the respects of justice. The result will be, as indicated in a third step, a pluralisation of our concept of justice which includes as many relevant principles of justice as there are commonly accepted and appreciated forms of social relations.
For mer informasjon om arrangementet, se oppføringen i kalenderen.
Axel Honneths tenkning er også tema i Agora nr. 4 2009.